Death and Obituary September 13th 2020

 Death and Obituary September 13th 2020 

This makes me sick! Enough is enough! We are not living in a third world country... is this what we want for our future? The Democratic Party does not say a word about these actions. This is not what we stand for. How many Americans would let their family walk these streets like we used to? Exactly.

This is horrible, no wonder so many fine police are retiring. They are not being treated right. Just because a few police made bad choices doesn't mean all are guilty.

If the shooter was in fear for his life, why is he walking forward instead of walking back! He walked straight up to that car and shot. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard!

Question: how did they know to go to the hospital to block the entrance? And how did they get there before the ambulance? And how did they organize that quickly? This looks like a planned premeditated hit organized by terrorists

Arrests of these rioters with charges has got to start happening. Peaceful protests are held during the day . Do not let these terrorist go . They need prison time. This is domestic terrorism and needs to be dealt with .

Planned or there would have not been anyone blocking the hospital.......they would not know that they were shot.....

Simple answer when they do that is drive right through them. They're protesting law and order.

we used to have insane asylums to keep people like these so-called "protestors" locked-up in. Too bad they have been let loose and closed up the asylums.
